<![CDATA[Journeyed Warrior - Blog]]>Wed, 19 Feb 2025 02:30:35 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Transitioning to next]]>Mon, 30 Sep 2024 18:55:49 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/transitioning-to-nextMy dearest Goddess, may peace and wholeness be your portion all your days.

In May 2023 I wrote to you about Entering the Chaos. I thought I was ready. I thought that changing my perspective would give me the edge. Little did I know that was just the tip of the iceberg. The chaos has been much more than I could have imagined. Along with the change of thought, there has been a change of Spirit team composition, change in me physically, change in my circumstances, just a whole new way of being. There has been much to adapt to.

Embracing the energy of non-attachment and applying it to matter, thoughts, ideas and experiences, I have been able to navigate the turbulence as I clutch even more closely to the ways of Divine Love and the Great Mother. As I had embraced the ways of the light creating with logic, now it is time to embrace the ways of the dark creating with intuition. For we are love, we are light, we are one.

With the release of the first book, a new direction in divine love is calling - embrace the role of healer/teacher, emissary of divine love. With this new mission, the changing, infinite nature of my being has to be embraced and accepted. It is all part of the infinite expressions of divine love. I am learning to be at peace with myself and the movements of life in divine love. I am understanding more the language of Spirit as received in the Earth realm. There is less resistance and hesitation to action. This puts my mind at peace, working cooperatively for the good of All. At peace, I can overcome all things.

With thoughts of love for we are one.
Journeyed Warrior

For your reflection:
  • Are you going through some unexpected turbulence in your life right now?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and abandoned? Take a few moments to sit quietly with your spirit team. You are not alone; you are not forsaken. Ask for a new perspective on your circumstances. What is it that is required of you?
  • Pull your circumstances into your heart space. What patterns or lessons can you identify in your situation? Are you being called to a new way? Journal your observation for further meditation. What do you have to let go of to welcome the new? Is there resistance, doubt, hesitation? Are you prepared to go further with Spirit?

Respectfully leave your thoughts in the Comments below.

<![CDATA[Chronicles of the Journeyed Warrior Volume 1 Seek to Understand]]>Thu, 26 Sep 2024 17:14:50 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/chronicles-of-the-journeyed-warrior-volume-1-seek-to-understandPicture
Happy Happy Day!!!

My Beloved Goddess I greet you well. The first book has been published.

Chronicles of the Journeyed Warrior Volume 1 Seek to Understand is now a reality. It tells the story of how life experiences offer great spiritual teaching for our well being.

Drawing from my experiences in the earth realm, the Spirit of Wisdom, taught me about the deeper, spiritual meaning to be gained from them. What seemed like sickness and suffering, rejection and betrayal were not prophets of doom but rather harbingers of a new dawn, if I seek to understand.

This new understanding has its being in the deep ocean of divine love. Here there is no separation from Source. We are never alone. We can embrace the unlovely aspects of our being and make them whole. We respect the God-spark in all beings including ourselves. We are spirit beings having a human experience. Here we learn how to balance our energies as we give and receive love in an ever changing environment.

With this revelation, our identity is established and our purpose is renewed. With confidence we can add our voice to the Earth symphony as we confidently declare with all the Universe - we are love, we are light, we are one.

Chronicles of the Journeyed Warrior Volume 1 Seek to Understand is now available from Balboa Press and Amazon.

Yours in Divine Love,
Journeyed Warrior

<![CDATA[Entering the Chaos]]>Mon, 22 May 2023 09:59:52 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/entering-the-chaosMy dearest Goddess, peace be with you!

As the light continues to pour into the Earth realm, there is an increased agitation in what appears to be chaotic events, time is speeding up and many humans are running to and fro in a frenzied fashion as if in a disoriented state. Yet in the midst of this swirling vortex of chaos, I find there is a peace, a unique force of confidence that all is well. No matter the predictions of prophets and soothsayers, financial prognosticators, enigmatic leaders, snake charmers and the rest – all is well.
With renewed hope in who I am and my life’s purpose, the negativity from detractors, naysayers and those not in a state of grace, has strengthened my resolve to break free from the shackles of the mundane and embrace the new reality of who I am, eternally at one with Source.
With this assurance, I enter the chaos not to suffer, rather to hold the light, the wisdom from on high, so that others may see. I enter the chaos, seeking to understand for the greater good of all. I enter the chaos expressing the wisdom of divine love, transmuting negativity, and restoring the balance.
I am one with the elements -earth, wind, fire, air. I am one with nature. I am one with creation. I am one with All. As I witness the manifestation of divine love in the activities of this dense earth realm, hope arises and joy springs forth in triumphant song, love saves the day. Lack, despair, rancor, greed, and doubt give way to the light – there is no separation from Source.
So, as I write from within this swirling vortex of chaos, know that all is well. I am not alone. I am not suffering. I am a divine being. I am blessed and dearly loved. I hold these truths in my heart space, daily affirming them to my mind/body/spirit complex, fully trusting in our Great Creator, of who’s plan I am a unique part, confidently fulfilling my mission as a true expression of divine love – righteous, holy, true.
I am so grateful for these opportunities to share with you my experiences dear Goddess as they in turn strengthen me to see this mission through to the end. It’s a new season here in the earth realm, a marvelous day it is.

In gratitude for this now new day,
Journeyed Warrior
For your reflection:
  • Are you going through some unexpected turbulence in your life right now?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and abandoned? Take a few moments to sit quietly with your spirit team. You are not alone; you are not forsaken. Ask for a new perspective on your circumstances.
  • Pull your circumstances into your heart space. What patterns or lessons can you identify in your situation? Journal your observation for further meditation. Not everything is for fixing, some are for learning and understanding.
Respectfully leave your thoughts in the Comments below.]]>
<![CDATA[May 15th, 2023]]>Mon, 15 May 2023 06:23:48 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/may-15th-2023My Beloved Goddess,
I greet you in the love and peace of our Great Creator.

It is spring here in the northern hemisphere of the Earth realm and life is bursting forth anew after winters rest. It is marvelous to see this glorious unfolding. All praise and gratitude to our Great Creator for mercies anew. Incoming light is also contributing to the awakening all around in nature, across the lands and in humans. I have not encountered any tree or animal or stream not happy with the change, however humankind is abuzz with discontent, worry, anger, and disdain with this new season of replenishment. I guess you could say for some, light is aggravating!
I wondered if spring came by surprise, or did it ruin someone’s plan? Were her patterns too predictable or did she forget to ask permission? Nevertheless, I am happy to see spring and even more I welcome the incoming light. I honor the faithfulness of our Great Creator and the commitment to life, growth, creativity, and compassion.
As I conversed with the stream, I was reminded that this is the season to flow high. To open our hearts to receive this new bounty of love and light. Life in all its fullness is bursting forth, a new season with opportunities to share. Along with the receiving, there is also the letting go of what no longer serves us, the spent energies, clearing away leftovers from past projects and extracting wisdom from lived experiences and releasing the associated trauma. Great reminder, all is energy and change is the norm, not the exception.
This is a time of refreshing so we can go be a blessing, to flow with the All who loves us best of all. Not alone, I rejoice and shout in this now moment, happy as the incoming light is raining down on me.

With all my love,
Journeyed Warrior
For your reflection:
  • Is it spring where you are? Is there a change in the air? What are your thoughts on this season?
  • How has the energies of spring impacted you? Rain showers? Growing flowers? Happy heart?
Respectfully leave your thoughts in the Comments below.
<![CDATA[Dealing with Negativity]]>Mon, 08 May 2023 06:13:20 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/dealing-with-negativityMy Beloved Goddess, I greet you well.

We are experiencing Mercury in retrograde, a Full Flower Moon takes place on May 5 in Scorpio and increased solar winds and coronal mass ejections from our sun. With all these new energies, it’s a time of great stirring. Some will rise to the top; some will sink lower. A polarization is happening for those who know. For some it’s a time of excitement, for some it’s fearful. A time of elevation, a time of foreboding.

As for me, I am happy to be experiencing this great unfolding, though at times it can be a bit much interacting with those not in a state of grace. I confess, their negativity hurts – physically, mentally, and emotionally. A lot of patience and grace is needed to help keep it together. I have observed, when some are exposed to new energies of light and love, it does not make them happy. Their words drip with vitriol, their demeanor becomes unstable, and they can react with aggression and violence.
I can’t say I fully understand this reaction however it’s one to be aware of as I travel this challenging terrain. I know in part it is due to a lack of preparation to receive new energies and then there is the bit of not wanting to change, preferring to stay the same. Good time to remind ourselves that all is energy. And Energy by its nature moves and expands in divine love. As such one must realize that change is the norm and not the exception. Yet some find it extremely difficult going through change and they lash out at others. See poem, Light is shining yet not for me.
What has helped me is knowing that growth comes with change. This change is for my good, for new experiences, all of which is part of the divine plan. Next is knowing that I am not alone. My angels and guides, nature and the elements along with our Great Spirit are with me. There is no separation. We are one.
Additionally, there is the recognition that I am not being punished. I am experiencing a letting go, a release and a re-alignment. With each new opportunity, my trust in divine guidance reassures and strengthens me.
For those not in a state of grace, I send them love and light, then step away and give them room to be. Returning to my quiet space, I re-balance my energies, rest and restore the calm within. No need to convince anyone of anything. We all have our own journeys to attend to.
I am so grateful for my spirit team that help me to stay grounded, shielding me from negative influences. Thank you too my beloved Goddess for sending me love and light.
With gratitude always,
Journeyed Warrior
For your reflection:
  • Have you experienced negativity from others in your day to day?
  • How do you handle negativity from those not in a state of grace and peace?
Respectfully leave your thoughts in the Comments below.
<![CDATA[Lessons from the Journey]]>Mon, 01 May 2023 07:33:15 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/lessons-from-the-journeyDear Goddess of Love:
Peace be with you. Changes have been occurring rapidly here in the Earth realm. It feels like time is speeding up. There is an urgency to prepare for what is to come. Not with a sense of foreboding, rather preparation for change. Along with this urgency has been a shedding of old energies which no longer serve that saps the motivation to keep going.
This too is another observation I have made while on this journey. Yes, it’s true I came to accomplish a mission, the experiences from the journey while going about the mission have been changing me. The expansion of the mind, the quickening of my ability to do things, the growth in wisdom and understanding have amazed even me.While I anticipated changes in the unfolding of the journey itself, I never fully grasped the impact such experiences would have on me.
Lesson 1: Expect changes and prepare to be changed
Then there is the business of letting go what no longer serves you. The detachment from old or outdated beliefs, ideas, relations, diets, lifestyle is necessary as your understanding about life changes and your role evolves. This spring cleaning is necessary and is especially helpful for old hurts and heartaches. These can really weigh you down. I have found that this necessary inner work is not needed to start the journey. Rather as you go the experiences will align to let your heart know it’s time to let go.
Lesson 2: Letting go
This letting go, goes hand in hand with forming new attachments like getting to know yourself and your spiritual team. As the noise of this life get less and less you can have greater intimacy and inner peace as you re-connect with Nature and Spirit. This peace which passes all understanding will come in and heal, filling the void in the heart space that was once occupied by fear, doubt and anxiety.
Lesson 3: Connect to the God Light within
While doing all this inner work you can find yourself in a place of solitude to the extent you wonder where everybody went or if you did something wrong. I have found that this place of solitude is an acquired taste and does take time to get used to. Daily graces are needed as mind, body and emotions challenge the need for solitude. The lights and sights of the world calls and the human nature instinctively wants to answer. Here is he great lesson of learning to be still. Personally, the infirmity within my body has been of tremendous help in tempering such desires. This coupled with meditation.
Lesson 4: Embracing the Solitude
Thankfully the struggles with solitude do subside over time, however other temptations do come along to check if you are still serious bout your journey. Friends, family and acquaintances you have not heard from in a while come by to see how you are getting on, re-hashing past events and re-opening old wounds that drain your energy. I am most grateful for daily graces and affirmations which remind me who I am and help me to stay grounded.
Lesson 5: Watch out for Trials and Temptations
The finally, to help keep you on your journey is the act of developing one’s sensitivity to the Light within, that still small voice. Learning to trust that inner knowing and not looking externally for affirmations and solutions goes a long way in your spiritual growth and development. Learn to trust your decisions, stop second guessing yourself, step out in faith knowing that Spirit is in you and is with you. Never alone.
Lesson 6: Trust the Light within
My dear Goddess, these lessons did not come overnight, neither do they happen one at a time or when we are in the mood for them. It’s a process. As I said earlier, this journey changes you while you seek to accomplish what you came to do. Yes, there have been detours, rabbit holes, closed roads and then some, yet the faithfulness of Spirit and love for our Great Creator compels me to keep moving forward. It gets better. I am thankful for your great love and friendship. They have been a great encouragement to me.

With a grateful heart,
Journeyed Warrior
For your reflection:
  • Have you started on your own spiritual journey?
  • Have you noticed any changes in you?
  • What things are you grateful for?
  • What are you struggling with?

Respectfully share your thoughts in the comments below.
<![CDATA[Embracing me...warts and all.]]>Tue, 25 Apr 2023 05:49:20 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/embracing-mewarts-and-allDear Goddess of Love:

Peace and love be yours. I continue to share from my experiences in this Earth realm things that I have learned and observed.

I am not sure who wrote the book on acceptable human form, however in this Earth realm there is a prevailing thought pattern that places levels of acceptability on the human form based on the colour of the skin, the shade of the eyes, where the human is born, who its parents are, its economic status and social standing.

As a spirit being having a human experience, I have found that these societal practices can be quite daunting to accept and to overcome. If these practices are not recognized and corrected early and placed in the the proper perspective, they can pose a serious challenge to ones spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well-being.

As you know, for a spirit being to interact on this Earth, a physical body is required. However within the constructs of human societies are industries setup for financial gain peddling the idea that the human form is lacking and thus requires a solution, for a fee. Your hair isn't right, your attire isn't right, your nose is all wrong, your diction isn't right, you are too chubby, too thin and on and on it goes. Something is wrong with you and it needs fixing.

It is a blessed and glorious day when we can look in the mirror and not be ashamed of who is looking back at us. Know too that the 'warts' may not be on the outside, they can be inside as well. A sickness in the body, scars from a traumatic experience, poor posture from pain endured.

I have learned that there is more to me than the physical form. Once this life's experiences are done, we return to the spirit realm from whence we came. Blessed are those that recognize their need for communication with the Great Creator to help guide our spirits while here in the Earth realm. Out of this relationship will flow the wisdom and knowledge needed for a balanced life. This grounding is needed so as not to be run-over by the Earthen societal practices. Balance is needed in care for the human form, balance in our emotions, balance in the thoughts of the mind, balance in the spirit.

All these aspects of our being are essential for a productive and meaningful life in the Earth realm. Fighting with ourselves sabotages our development. Yet some say the flesh is evil and is at war with the spirit. Well let's consider this! The body understands the things of the Earth plane while the spirit knows the things of the spirit realm. A body can drive a car, a spirit talks with God. Instead of fighting against each other, why not work together, learn from each other. How can two walk unless they agree? The spirit cannot fulfill its mission without a body. It's a partnership not a competition!

I have learned dear Goddess of Love, that there is a better way to do life in the Earth plane. Life in divine love, where every aspect of our being has a purpose and they work together for the good of the whole. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I have observed so many going around hating on themselves, fragmented, not doing right by themselves because of perceived flaws, warts and weaknesses, embracing a narrative not their own and sabotaging their own lives.

As beings who proceeded from the Great Creator, we are dearly loved with our own unique characteristics needed now in this fabric of life. We are not a mistake, rather a divine fulfillment.

And so it is,
Journeyed Warrior

 For your reflection :
  • What 'flaws' or 'warts' do you think you have?
  • Do you see them as a help or a hindrance to your being?
  • Could they be teaching you something about you?

Respectfully, share your thoughts in the comments below.

<![CDATA[Love and Mercy]]>Sun, 16 Apr 2023 03:25:52 GMThttp://journeyedwarrior.org/blog/love-and-mercyWelcome beloveds and welcome my dear Goddess of Love to this my first public writing piece.
This day marks the fulfillment of a promise to share from my sacred story with others.

Getting to this point has been a journey in and of itself. On this day celebrated by some as Divine Mercy Sunday marks for me a turning point in my own spiritual journey. It is a recognition of the glorious mercy granted me by our great Creator God to enter into holy communion and unity not only with myself, with God and others. The finite meets the infinite.

This awareness, this profound truth that I am not alone, not separated from God has removed the bondage of limitation and has opened the door to infinite possibilities to love, to create, to begin anew in wholeness. No longer shackled by limitation, lack, false narratives, addiction and strife, divine mercy had afforded me the opportunity to fulfill my purpose in divine love.

I am forever grateful for the Divine Mercy who opened the door and lifted the veil for me to experience a joyful and interesting life witnessing divine love in its many forms.

Through these writings, I hope to share what I have observed, what I have learned, what it means to be love and light and how to balance energies for a harmonious, creative and compassionate environment.

These writings are a testament of God's great love and mercy to me and the fulfillment of a dream whose time has come.

In divine love,
Journeyed Warrior

For your own reflection:
  • Can you think of a time when you experienced divine mercy?
  • How has this experience changed you?

Respectfully, share your thoughts in the comments below.