Dear Goddess of Love:
Peace and love be yours. I continue to share from my experiences in this Earth realm things that I have learned and observed. I am not sure who wrote the book on acceptable human form, however in this Earth realm there is a prevailing thought pattern that places levels of acceptability on the human form based on the colour of the skin, the shade of the eyes, where the human is born, who its parents are, its economic status and social standing. As a spirit being having a human experience, I have found that these societal practices can be quite daunting to accept and to overcome. If these practices are not recognized and corrected early and placed in the the proper perspective, they can pose a serious challenge to ones spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well-being. As you know, for a spirit being to interact on this Earth, a physical body is required. However within the constructs of human societies are industries setup for financial gain peddling the idea that the human form is lacking and thus requires a solution, for a fee. Your hair isn't right, your attire isn't right, your nose is all wrong, your diction isn't right, you are too chubby, too thin and on and on it goes. Something is wrong with you and it needs fixing. It is a blessed and glorious day when we can look in the mirror and not be ashamed of who is looking back at us. Know too that the 'warts' may not be on the outside, they can be inside as well. A sickness in the body, scars from a traumatic experience, poor posture from pain endured. I have learned that there is more to me than the physical form. Once this life's experiences are done, we return to the spirit realm from whence we came. Blessed are those that recognize their need for communication with the Great Creator to help guide our spirits while here in the Earth realm. Out of this relationship will flow the wisdom and knowledge needed for a balanced life. This grounding is needed so as not to be run-over by the Earthen societal practices. Balance is needed in care for the human form, balance in our emotions, balance in the thoughts of the mind, balance in the spirit. All these aspects of our being are essential for a productive and meaningful life in the Earth realm. Fighting with ourselves sabotages our development. Yet some say the flesh is evil and is at war with the spirit. Well let's consider this! The body understands the things of the Earth plane while the spirit knows the things of the spirit realm. A body can drive a car, a spirit talks with God. Instead of fighting against each other, why not work together, learn from each other. How can two walk unless they agree? The spirit cannot fulfill its mission without a body. It's a partnership not a competition! I have learned dear Goddess of Love, that there is a better way to do life in the Earth plane. Life in divine love, where every aspect of our being has a purpose and they work together for the good of the whole. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I have observed so many going around hating on themselves, fragmented, not doing right by themselves because of perceived flaws, warts and weaknesses, embracing a narrative not their own and sabotaging their own lives. As beings who proceeded from the Great Creator, we are dearly loved with our own unique characteristics needed now in this fabric of life. We are not a mistake, rather a divine fulfillment. And so it is, Journeyed Warrior For your reflection :
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Welcome beloveds and welcome my dear Goddess of Love to this my first public writing piece.
This day marks the fulfillment of a promise to share from my sacred story with others. Getting to this point has been a journey in and of itself. On this day celebrated by some as Divine Mercy Sunday marks for me a turning point in my own spiritual journey. It is a recognition of the glorious mercy granted me by our great Creator God to enter into holy communion and unity not only with myself, with God and others. The finite meets the infinite. This awareness, this profound truth that I am not alone, not separated from God has removed the bondage of limitation and has opened the door to infinite possibilities to love, to create, to begin anew in wholeness. No longer shackled by limitation, lack, false narratives, addiction and strife, divine mercy had afforded me the opportunity to fulfill my purpose in divine love. I am forever grateful for the Divine Mercy who opened the door and lifted the veil for me to experience a joyful and interesting life witnessing divine love in its many forms. Through these writings, I hope to share what I have observed, what I have learned, what it means to be love and light and how to balance energies for a harmonious, creative and compassionate environment. These writings are a testament of God's great love and mercy to me and the fulfillment of a dream whose time has come. In divine love, Journeyed Warrior For your own reflection:
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